Multiple Project Wafers (MPW)

AMF now offers a regular MPW shuttles every two months, with final GDS submission date on the 1st day of every other month.

Running on both our SOI and SiN-on-SOI Platforms, our MPW is the ideal starting point to validate your designs. It supports a wide range of devices and is available for both Active and Passive runs on both platforms. Our MPW process flow supports:

Process 193 & 248 lithography
Deep silicon trench for edge coupling
Implantations for high speed modulators
Germanium epitaxy for photodetectors
TiN heater and 2 Al metal layers
Oxide cladding open for exposed waveguides in sensing application

Our team of experts will assist you with the Design Rule Check and will follow-up on the results of your shuttle to support a smooth transfer of your successful designs to a tailored custom prototyping run preparing for production.

For further details about complete list of processes and PDK devices supported in our MPW shuttles, please contact us directly.